2024-2025 Season
Programs and Pricing
We offer three main club programs. Each program is suited specifically with the athlete in mind. We have put a lot of thought in how to train every athlete at every age and every skill level. Every team will have a qualified adult coach throughout the season. Every team will be put in tournaments which are appropriate for their level of competition. Player pack will be required and is an additional fee. Player pack includes: ball, bag, 2 practice t-shirts, warm up top, and warm up bottom. Jersey is to be returned at the end of each season.
Questions for the Upcoming Season
Q: Do I need to register for tryouts? Do I need to attend all the dates?
You need to register for tryouts which enables you to attend one or all of the dates listed. Although we only require athletes to attend one date we do encourage them to attend all of the dates. The tryout fee covers all of the dates.
Q: How will tryouts look this season?
Tryouts this season will have a check-in table near the front of the gym so parents can ask questions. We will have staff available during tryouts to answer any additional questions you may have after general information is explained. After check-in athletes will be given a shirt to change into and directed inside to start their tryouts. Parents can watch from the upper track in a passive manner. At the conclusion of tryouts, athletes will be told the next steps to accept a roster spot if one is offered. Parents will receive an email outlining the process to accept roster spots as well.
If you know you will be committing to Top Flight our staff will be available in the gym (at the conclusion of tryouts) to accept cash or checks. Deposits are $250 and will be applied as your first payment.
Q: How will the payment process work?
Top Flight has extended its standard contract to include additional months to pay for the season. We will have a 5 month payment option (Sep-Feb) or you can pay in full. Once you commit to Top Flight you will be sent an invoice detailing the plan you have chosen and the breakdown of payments.
Q: How is competition going to work?
As an AAU/JVA club we have the advantage of having a large number of tournaments to attend around us. Because of this we are able to stay within the guidelines of AAU/JVA competition. We will participate in AAU/JVA tournaments in state along with out of state. We may also set up scrimmages with other teams during practices throughout the season.
Q: How will travel teams look this season? Will we travel?
Yes, we will attend out of state tournaments and follow their protocols and guidelines. Some out of state tournaments are Stay to Play tournaments and therefore will require us to stay in certain hotels. Information regarding travel plans for each tournament will be communicated effectively to parents.
Locations included but not limited to the following:
- Illinois
- Tennessee
- Florida
- Kentucky
- South Carolina
- North Carolina
- Alabama
- West Virginia
- Pennsylvania
Q: Will we have a parent meeting? How will I get my questions answered?
Top Flight will be hosting a parent meeting night shortly following tryouts and athletes committing. At this time, coaches will meet with their athletes and parents. During this time coaches will discuss expectations for the season. Athletes and parents can also use this time to ask and answer questions about the season. We will also be looking for a team mom to help with season responsibilities at this time. Spirit wear will also be sold.
Q: Are parents allowed into practices?
Parents, siblings, and other spectators are not allowed in the gym during practice time.